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Author: season 8

Season 8 – The Return Of Marsali & Fergus

Season 8 – The Return Of Marsali & Fergus

Big news for Outlander fans – Season 8 sees the Return Of Marsali & Fergus. Cesar Domboy and Lauren Lyle , who starred as Karen Pirie in her own TV detective show , make a comeback as Fergus and Marsali in Season 8.

Classic Outlander tours from Private tours Edinburgh. Fans in the US , UK and around the world have mixed feelings about the final season .

The second half of Outlander penultimate season 7 premieres in November .

Where will the opening sequence for season 8 be filmed ?

Where will the opening sequence for season 8 be filmed ?

Fans who have followed Outlander from the start will know that in the first couple of seasons the Outlander opening sequence was filmed in Glencoe with a dramatic shot of Claire and Jamie riding a horse through the magnificent lands of Glencoe . But where will the opening sequence for season 8 be filmed ? Take the Classic Outlander tour and visit three key locations including Lallybroch . In Scotland there are so many stunning landscapes that it would be…

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